5: Dr. Creelman's Surgery & Chemist.


Site of the former Dr. Creelman's Surgery & Chemist Shop.


Dr. John Creelman was one of the first doctors in Learmonth, attending to the medical needs of the township as well as being the coroner for inquests. He purchased Allotment 3 Section E, at the 1860 land sales, on which he built his home and surgery, later building a chemist shop in the front.


Although the home has been considerably altered and extended, the original stone wall of the surgery is still visible. When members of the Learmonth and District Historical Society dug the hole for the ‘Heritage Walk’ post a number of old medicine bottles were unearthed.


The following advertisement was placed in ‘The Argus’ of 4 March 1874 regarding Dr Creelman’s medical practice:


To Let, suitable premises for a medical practice, situated in High St. Learmonth, including a dwelling containing 5 rooms, surgery, kitchen, servants room, stable and coach house. Also 2 acres of land, comprising a well stocked garden of fruit trees and valuable plants. The above offers a good opening for members of the profession, seeing that there is a large area of country and a population that will secure a remunerative practice. Apply Post Office, Learmonth.



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